Bradley Haley

Full Stack Developer

Bradley Haley

About me

Up and coming software developer hoping to make an impact on education, open data and design. An avid learner that can quickly grasp new languages, frameworks, and concepts and thrives when challenged to be creative and use complex problem solving skills. Motivated to build applications that improve everyday life for others.

Personal Projects

Picture of the home screen

Math Maker

Math maker is an organizational tool for students with various disabilities to help write down and solve math problems. It uses a drag and drop style grid system with the ability to take pictures and save a current problem if needed. The biggest challenge for me was managing grid data and keeping the design simple. You can come check out the app here!

Let's Make A Game

Let's Make A Game started off as my first blog post but quickly progressed into something I greatly enjoy doing in my free time. I take very simple desktop browser games and code them using various technologies such as JavaScript, Java and HTML Canvas. You can check out my blog posts here and read my thought process. You can play the games I make over here!

Picture of Let's Make a Game home screen
Asteroids Game!


This is my take on the classic Asteriods Game! It was built using vanilla JavaScript in the front and node with express in the back. Only scoreds that have been apart of the top ten best scores at any time are saved to see how people progress over time. Play it here!



Download the full version here!